MUST READ: "Dying in Indian Country."

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Would an Obama Presidency bring Civil Unrest?

Let me say first - when I refer to civil unrest, I am NOT speaking necessarily about violence, (although many of the blogs and internet comments in the last couple of months have frighteningly entertained that possibility).

I have never been involved in violence and don't have intention to be.

That said, I can’t listen to what Senator Obama preaches about without wondering how he intends to carry it off.

What exactly does he mean by “Change?” What is he leading half the country to “Hope” for? He hasn’t been specific, other than to say that he would like to spread the wealth around.

He talks about how we “divide one another”, and how we can’t afford to do that. He talks about how we are “all together,” and we have to “believe in each other.” What does he mean, “We will change the country and we’ll change the world”?

How is he going to bring about that change, (whatever change he is referring to) if half of the country doesn’t believe in him or the direction he intends to go?

People decry the attention we give his close relationship with many extreme leftists through the years, his endorsement by the Communist Party of America, and hymns that are sung to him by an organization called the Young Communist League.

One must understand America.

Half of us do not believe Obama. We don’t believe what he says, what he stands for, and who he is. Some of us have been around the block a few times and know a fraud when we see one.

So unless he can sweet talk the other half of America into accepting his vision of America, which would include left-leaning social policies such as universal health, increased funding of entitlement programs, cuts in defense at a time when the world is most dangerous, increased availability of abortion, same-sex marriage, and maybe even relaxed drug laws, how will we ever become One America? It doesn’t seem likely that he can sweet talk half of America into accepting these types of changes.

So how will he bring about this One America that he is telling crowds we will be? Unless he plans on creating forced “re-education camps,” everything he claims he can change in America will meet strong opposition. His only option is to simply force it on us. With the Senate and House at his command, it is very possible that many of his bills will be passed. Yet, with half the country not behind the extreme changes he intends to make, some say the likelihood of civil unrest exists.

Unfortunately, despite what he is telling people at his rallies, no matter what he claims, he can’t control half of us. He can’t make us into who he wants us to be.

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