MUST READ: "Dying in Indian Country."

Monday, September 29, 2008

PLEASE Senator McCain -

1. TALK more about how the present financial crisis was brought on through both parties - but importantly, point out the policies that preceded Bush. It was Clinton's administration that insisted on banks giving shaky loans. American needs to understand this isn't just a GOP mess!

2. ARIZONA needs to stand up and say they appreciate your willingness to suspend the campaign and travel back to DC to represent THEM in this time of crisis, as you had been elected to do. You had every right and responsibility to be there. SAY SO. And MAKE IT CLEARER what it was you were trying to do while you there!

3. LET SARAH be SARAH. Call off the handlers! Remember, she made it to the Governorship without them! Alaska loves her - Allow us to love her as well! Let us see the real Sarah - because from what I've heard, she awesome. Let her be herself!

4. LET her talk about energy, oil drilling, and all the issues that she knows so well! She's an intelligent woman. Let her speak!

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