MUST READ: "Dying in Indian Country."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The elite liberals can call us the "white trash" vote if they want to (who are the ones that are the racists??) but the more the Dems say hateful things about Palin, the more they teach me about her.

I already liked that she's conservative on the issues, just like me, but wouldn't have known anything about her church except that the media brought it up. I have now listened to two of her pastors on the internet, and I like them. I wouldn't have known about her daughter until the media brought it up. And now I think, gee...a pregnant, unmarried, teen age daughter. Imagine that. Sounds just like my daughter. And the fact that she went ahead and carried her Down's baby to term, while governing the biggest State in America? The only state bordering two other nations? Wow! She's awesome - AND so is her husband.

The more the media teaches me about her, the more I want to vote for Palin... er...McCain.

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