MUST READ: "Dying in Indian Country."

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Obama's Double Standard re: Muslims vs. Israel

President Obama, putting his own popularity over the best interest of United States citizens, has run around the World apologizing for what he claims are America's arrogant, aggressive and selfish actions.

Two months ago, President Obama apologized to the Turks for the tense relationship during the Bush administration. It seems that Obama feels we owe the world an apology for putting our nose where it doesn't belong.

However, while speaking in Cairo, the ever arrogant president Obama proceeded to dirty his nose by telling Israel what to do. He said,
"For more than sixty years they (Palestinians) have endured the pain of dislocation...They endure the daily humiliations...that come with occupation. So let there be no doubt...The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements. This construction violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace. It is time for these settlements to stop."

First off, there has never been a country called Palestine. Israel does not occupy their land. The Palestinians have made several agreements with Israel through the decades.

Obama apologized to the Muslim world for what he claims has been America's arrogant micro-management. In the meantime, he tells Israel what they can and can't do.

And what are the examples of America's arrogance, aggression, and selfishness?

To put things into perspective, let's highlight some areas where the U.S. has been involved over the last few decades. How about when we aided and defended allies in two World Wars, or sent billions of dollars in international aide to needy countries - regardless of race or religion? Then there was the assistance to South Korea in their time of need, economic assistance to Eastern Europe after the Soviet Union collapsed, liberating Kuwait in Operation Desert Storm, tripling aide to Africa, providing over $350 million to help Tsunami victims in 2004, aide to earthquake victims in Pakistan, India, China and even Iran, and then drawing attention to Darfur. Yup, if the U.S. kept its nose out of everyone's business, the world would be different.

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