MUST READ: "Dying in Indian Country."

Friday, August 6, 2010

Obama Continues to Ignore DOJ Dismissal of Black Panthers Lawsuit

The Department of Justice, under President Bush, filed a lawsuit in late 2008 naming three New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense ( NBPPSD) members and alleging that they intimidated Philadelphia voters during the Nov. 4, 2008 general election.

According to the complaint, members Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were stationed by Chairman Malik  Zulu Shabazz at the entrance to a polling location wearing NBPPSD uniforms, and Shabazz was carrying a “police-style baton weapon,” scaring away potential Caucasian voters. Two witnesses testified that at least three voters turned away, and that a black poll watcher was visibly upset and demanded that police be called because the intimidators had called him a race traitor and told him that if he stepped outside, there would be hell to pay.

The Black Panthers admitted that the men were ‘deployed” to the location as part of a nationwide effort to have NBPPSD members at polling locations on Election Day.

The Bush administration investigated and found cause for charges.
“Intimidation outside of a polling place is contrary to the democratic process,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Grace Chung Becker at the time. “The Department takes allegations of voter intimidation seriously.”
But sources told The Bulletin that although career prosecutors wanted to proceed with the case, Obama appointees did not. The Obama administration won. The DOJ filed a notice of voluntary dismissal of the lawsuit for Mr. Jackson, who identified himself to police as a member of the Democratic Committee in the 14th Ward, and a default judgment against Samir Shabazz. But apparently the proposed order for the default judgment asks for none of the usual conditions the Justice Department would want, such as keeping Mr. Shabazz away from any polling locations for a set number of years into the future.

Later, Shabazz was video taped at an event, yelling at the crowd, telling black people that they have to "Kill Some Crackers and Their Babies!"

According to whistleblower J. Christian Adams, attorney of 18 years and until recently, Department of Justice employee, this was about ‘race,’ not DOJ fidelity to the law.
"The dismissal of the voter intimidation lawsuit against armed New Black Panthers in Philadelphia is the most prominent example of this hostility toward race-neutral enforcement of civil rights laws."
Hans von Spakovsky, a former career Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, thinks the inaction by the Justice Department is unprecedented. He told The Bulletin that the dismissal by Justice, with no notice on the Justice Department press site, particularly against an organization listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, is a horrible miscarriage of justice. He said DOJ has failed in its duty to enforce voting laws.

"…dismissing an individual who was a local Democratic Party official who defaulted by not answering the complaint smacks of the worst sort of political partisanship," he said. "It is completely contrary to all of the promises that Eric Holder made when he was confirmed to be Attorney General."
Having heard Mr. Adams sworn testimony, why isn't the Attorney General, if he was not part of this miscarriage of Justice, conducting an investigation?  Why doesn't Obama seem to care?

President Obama - what's the "teachable moment" that we're supposed to get out of this?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I believe this is the MalcomX part of Barry Soetoro in the political realm. From aiding Odinga in Kenya to consorting with Farrakhan at the expense of our valiant Armed Forces, Obama has shown disdain for America as much as Ahmadinejad. I am embarrassed and alarmed to see this disdain for Americans.