MUST READ: "Dying in Indian Country."

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Should Republicans deliver Rebuttal to Obama's Jobs Speech?


I was surprised and DELIGHTED that the GOP are not bothering to make a rebuttal. That's the most wonderful decision I have seen either side make in this last few years of constant political gamesmanship. Finally, somebody is saying, "why bother with another lame, rhetorical, boring speech?" Finally - someone has gotten off the soapbox and refused to bore us any further with meaningless nonsense! Hooray for the GOP!

Now if only Obama would follow that lead and get off his non-stop campaign mode. After all that has been said, he still doesn't understand that no one is interested in his empty speeches anymore. We all know that it's going to just be 'same-ol, same-ol', and that nothing is actually going to be done to increase jobs and improve the economy.

Obama CAN'T improve the economy because he still believes socialism is the way to go - despite all the failed socialist and communist states in the world.

We all know that - so why bother sitting through another speech.... I can't see anyone but the most ardent liberals tuning in. Which is probably another reason why the GOP decided not to bother. None of their constituency will be tuning in and everyone knows it.

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