MUST READ: "Dying in Indian Country."

Saturday, March 27, 2010

'We'll Leave the Lights ON For ya!" 'Earth Hour' is garbage

.Supposedly, "millions of people" around the world are shutting off their lights at 8:30 pm tonight as part of an "Earth Hour" to draw attention to so-called "Global Warming."

Apparently, there are lots of people in the world that, due to their liberal and/or state run media, still haven't gotten the message that much of the "green house gas" garbage was made up.

So, doing my sacrificial part for the good of our world, I will enlighten them.

No Global Warmng in 15 Years

Archaic Network Provided Data behind Global Warming 'Theory'

Climate Researchers Manipulated and Hid Data

Lawrence Solomon, Vindicated: Dutch Global Warming 'Denier' "Was Right After All"

Alaskan Congressman Announces Global Warming is a "scam"
Top Climate Official Resigns

Oklahoma Senator Calls for Criminal Investigation

Dutch Point out New Mistakes in UN Climate Report
Climate Chief knew of False Glacier Claims before Copenhagen

Even: Climate History erased in 5000 Wikipedia Articles
So, with all that in mind, some on Twitter have decided to relax about Earth Hour:

RT @JOZETTE1972: #EarthHour Mar 27 8:30p: OK! - Let's Rock! Turn ON Basement lights, Closet lights, bathroom lights -even FLASH lghts-YAY!! #tcot

RT @TCOT_Talk @JOZETTE1972 just saw a commrcl 4 EarthHour Mar 27...going 2leave my lights on that whole hour!...// ME TOO! ALL lights #tcot

RT @boxxers06 / just saw a commrcl 4 EarthHour Mar 27...going 2leave lights on whole hour!...// ME TOO! ALL lights / 24 hr light party!!!!

RT @littlebytesnews:@boxxers06 /just saw commrcl 4 EarthHr Mar27...going 2leave lightson whole hour!// ME 2!ALL lights/24 hr lght party!LOL

RT @boxxers06 @littlebytesnews: I installed a search light on my roof, like Gotham City…

RT @TheNoblePatriot #EarthHour -what a joke! More LIBERAL symbolism over substance! I plan to turn on EVERY LIGHT for hour in protest! #tcot

So Join us! Let's show Al Gore and all the other Global Warming nuts that they can take their theory and ...well, shove it!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

GOP Has forced the Healthcare Bill back to the House - PRAY

The Senate GOP Has forced the Healthcare Bill back to the House for a Second Vote. The Senate parliamentarian agreed this was necessary because of unfunded mandates for the Student Loan legislation that Democrats piggy-backed onto the Health care legislation.

Did you think they would stop with the federalization of healthcare? Of course not! They federalized Education funding at the same time!

With all the frightening things this Health Insurance legislation is bringing on us - such as punishing doctors for making referrals to Cancer specialists, Pulmonary specialists, Ear, Nose & Throat Doctors, Orthopedists, or ANY specialist, for that matter - and mandating that Parents be responsible for their children's health premiums all the way till they are 26; well into adulthood - and that abortion funding loopholes still exist -and Robbing our Elders of their Insurance by robbing Medicare - AND FORGETTING their promise that Children are immediately benefited by coverage that ignores pre-existing conditions -

And lots more stomach turning nonsense - none of which actually improves health care in America -

PLEASE PRAY about this forced vote!!

We all know that NO Democrat will change his/her vote outside of a miracle. Through Deception, whether it be a bought vote, or Obama/Pelosi pressure, or an extremely liberal district, they are all determined to push this horrendous bill through. And Pundits say that once it is in place, it will be extremely difficult to repeal.

Therefore, it will only be through a miracle that this bill is defeated.

Please - we don't know what God's plans are; we are humans with only limited insight -Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding"

So, although what I think we want is for at least four Democrats to suddenly vote "No" on the bill and for the bill to fail, I am praying for God's Will, as He has the whole picture in view - Colossians 2:3 "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

I pray, therefore, for God's Will to be Done. I pray for my Nation, I pray for it's leaders, and I pray for it's people.

Lord God, Jesus Christ, My Lord and Master, Please shape our country the way you want it shaped, according to Your Will, and Your Will alone. Lord Jesus, please protect Your children, take Care of Your Children. Please Set in place the Leaders that You want to have leading, who will bring about the things that You want brought about. If it is Your Will that America fail, make that way easy, open the doors for that to happen, and please give me the Grace and courage to accept it.

But if NOT, Lord Jesus, I ask in Your Holy Name, that You Close all the Doors that are attempting to destroy our Country, lock those doors, and prevent the destruction from happening. And Lord Jesus, please make it very clear that this is Your Move and Will, no matter what. Thank You Jesus, for your Wisdom, Grace and Protection. Thank You for answering our Prayers. Amen.

Monday, March 22, 2010

ObamaCare: Don't make me Sick

Thieves! I don’t have much money, but what little I have - Keep your hands off!

My Representative, Earl Pomeroy, voted FOR the passage of the Senate's massive health insurance overhaul Sunday night.

Among many of the onerous provisions that our country can't afford:

- Children will be able to remain under their parents health coverage until they are 26.

- Insurance companies who participate in the government-run exchange will be allowed to provide for abortions. Many prolife orgs, including the National Right to Life, say that federal funds will be used for some of those abortions.

- In all, there will be a half a trillion in new taxes.

- The House "fixes" the Senate bill by raising $50 Billion dollars more in taxes , as well as cuts Medicare spending $66 billion more for a total of $523 billion.

- The $523 billion of money taken from Medicare will be used to pay for this new government program, including subsidies to help families with incomes up to $75,000 a year buy health insurance. $75,000 is NOT low income. I, for one, do not want my health needs to come before those of my elders - in particular, the vets who fought for our country and their wives.

- Estimates are that this legislation will expand the deficit by more than $660 billion dollars. So, not only are we neglecting the needs our elders, but we'll be leaving our grandchildren with an impossible debt.

- The above are facts. There are rumors of much more to be frightened of.

Thanks Earl Pomeroy. I for one, will be voting for your opponent. You, too, Obama. You are no hero of mine.

The campaigns against all those that voted for this horrendous legislation must begin today, whether or not they even have an opponent yet.

These last few weeks, even listening to Obama go on and on with his rhetoric makes me sick to my stomach. Is it just me, or does he talk now with a sing song in his voice, as if he's a Television Evangelist? Someone please tell him to stop. Please. It's truly nauseating.